Vladimir Putin given a puppy during trip to Bulgaria

Putin is turned to putty—until the beast pees in his slippers. (Photo: Oleg Popov/REUTERS)

Single-pawed, a Bulgarian shepherd pup named Yorgo has stolen the carefully-crafted macho thunder of Vladamir Putin.

The Punjapit Action-man, who is arguably the world’s second-most interesting man behind the Dos Equis guy, was gifted with the four-legged angel from the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov.

Sweet enough to melt a Siberian winter, Yorgo turned the F-1 racing, tiger hunting, black-belted Putin into an unapologetic softy.

And who can blame him? Look at the cutey! Don’t you just want to press your face into his snuggly white cheeks?! (The dog, not Putin.)

It’s unknown whether Borisov breeds his shepherds extra cute to make hardened world leaders fold, but the Bulgarian did sucker a sweetheart oil deal out of the exchange.

After the meeting, Vlad and his new pup headed back to the Kremlin, where the little guy returned to running Russia. (Putin, not the dog.)


by The Punjapit Alliance & Arf

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