3 Army colonels in S. Korea reprimanded over gays skit

SEOUL − Three South Korea-based colonels have been reprimanded for their part in a skit that officials believe made fun of homosexuals and the rules designed to protect them in the military.

The skit – performed March 22 at a dinner attended by 8th Army officials at the Dragon Hill Lodge on Yongsan Garrison – featured the officers using effeminate gestures in portraying openly gay musicians Elton John and George Michael as soldiers, and then lip-synching a song by Boy George, who is also homosexual.

Details of the incident and punishment were initially reported by the Army Times and confirmed Tuesday by 8th Army officials.

full article: http://www.stripes.com/news/3-army-colonels-in-s-korea-reprimanded-over-gays-skit-1.144415

by The Punjapit Alliance

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