Beer painting could put artist in jail

Michal Oginski's painting /Europics

A Polish artist has been warned that he could end up in prison – for painting a supermarket shelf of cans of beer.

Police in Cieszyn seized Michal Oginski’s canvas, claiming it breached the country’s tough alcohol advertising laws and could encourage young people to take up drinking.

The 25-year-old painter said: “I was told by police that my work corrupts youth and promotes alcoholism. But it’s just a painting of some beer cans.

“It’s part of a series of paintings depicting supermarket products. I’ve got others of washing powder and sugar. There’s nothing sinister or corrupting about it.”

His lawyer Beata Lejman explained: “This is absurd and I’ve never heard of such a ridiculous law. Are they going to confiscate Rembrandt’s pictures which show casks of wine?”

Now officials are waiting for prosecutors to say if Mr Oginski has a case to answer.

Local police chief Kazmierz Plus said: “I don’t make up the law – I just uphold it.

“And this painting breaks the Act of Sobriety Upbringing law, which is universally binding.”

by The Punjapit Alliance 

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