700,000 ultrathin condoms lost in transit

A shipment of 726,000 ultrathin condoms have reportedly been stolen in transit.

Manufacturer Sagami Rubber Industries was exporting the prophylactics from Malaysia to Japan but the shipment was empty when it arrived at the firm’s main plant in suburban Tokyo, AFP reports.

Company spokesman Norinari Wakui said: “This has never happened to us before and we are very perplexed. We are not certain if it was of a premeditated nature.”

He added that the lock on the container had been replaced before the shipment left its port.

The condoms, which at 0.02mm are 14% thinner than standard products, were valued at around ¥120 million (£900,000).

Founded in 1934, Sagami Rubber Industries was Japan’s first condom maker


by The Punjapit Alliance

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